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In May of 2014 MT and other Metro IAF leaders and staff launched a campaign of hundreds of relational meetings with parents, educators and other community leaders concerned about education. We uncovered several challenges and opportunities in New York City schools, including:

  • in far too many cases legally required, desperately needed evaluations and services are not delivered to special needs students,
  • to often, sufficient staff and capable schools and programs to help special needs students are unavailable,
  • gifted and talented students in many of the poorest communities are underserved, and
  • there are far too few safe middle schools where students can learn.

We held two education forums with the NY Daily News, and two other public actions in 2015 and 2016, to bring these issues to light. We also met with Department of Education (DOE) and other public officials, and continued research and relationship building with high quality educators, parents and others. We have started to achieve results. Recently the NYC DOE has:

However, much work remains to be done to support and expand what is working, improve or replace what isn’t and provide enough resources and accountability make sure all students can get the kind of education they need.