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Police chiefs, clergy to gunmaker: Cut shootings by making guns safer [Opinion]

Publication Date: 
Monday, September 24, 2018

Pardon the word choice, but there is no magic bullet for ending America’s gun violence epidemic. No single approach or group has the power, by itself, to achieve meaningful reductions in gun-related deaths. Multiple approaches are needed, with leadership from every sector.

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NYCHA's senior moment: City and state combine for an affordable housing breakthrough

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Chapter two of today’s edition of “Golly, look what New York City and State can do when they work together”: Gov. Cuomo just committed $15 million in scarce affordable housing tax credits to build apartments for senior citizens within New York City Housing Authority developments on the east end of Brooklyn.

News Media Category: 


Gov. Cuomo, Cynthia Nixon talk affordable housing ahead of Wednesday debate

Publication Date: 
Monday, August 27, 2018

BROOKLYN — Three days before they face off in a gubernatorial debate on Wednesday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and actress-turned-political-candidate Cynthia Nixon talked to potential voters about affordable housing.

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1,000 new affordable units for NYCHA seniors on the way, Gov. Cuomo says

Publication Date: 
Monday, August 27, 2018

The state will finance 1,000 new affordable housing units for seniors on underutilized NYCHA property in Brooklyn, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Sunday.

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The three-fifths New Yorkers: That's how City Hall treats NYCHA

Publication Date: 
Saturday, July 28, 2018

Those of us who have the honor of serving the NYCHA tenants in our congregations, and who have worked with them and their fellow residents to force NYCHA and City Hall to treat them fairly and humanely, have finally realized the heart of the problem.

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Inside NYC’s Public Housing, Mold and Neglect Are a Dangerous Combo

Publication Date: 
Friday, June 15, 2018

Sit back for a moment and imagine not being able to breathe in your own home. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night gasping for air or, worse, hearing your child, at any hour, wheezing, coughing, unable to fill her lungs. Imagine medications and breathing machines, emergency room visits, hospitalizations—all stemming from a menace in your own home that no one is willing to address.

News Media Category: 


New York City to Build Thousands of Senior Housing Units on Public Land

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

New York City has committed $500 million to build up to a thousand of affordable apartments for low-income senior citizens on vacant public-housing land, a move advocates say would help reduce the wait list for apartments.


Local church group stumps for NYCHA budget boost

Publication Date: 
Saturday, June 2, 2018

A community-organizing group led tours of crumbling NYCHA apartments for local councilmembers across the city in May, to point out the deplorable conditions. For Bronx tenants, the tour yielded quick attention from the Housing Authority.

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Councilmember rips NYCHA conditions

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

It ‎was a tour of worse. Councilmember Rafael Salamanca shook his head in disgust as he surveyed the abundant mold dominating the ceilings and walls of Norma Nazario’s apartment at Melrose Houses.

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NYCHA tenants, councilman hold rally for more funding

Publication Date: 
Monday, May 14, 2018

THE BRONX - Frustrated NYCHA tenants held a rally Monday, asking Mayor Bill de Blasio for billions of dollars in funding due to apartment problems that include mold and cracked ceilings.

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How we got the gun industry to reckon with its deadly toll

Publication Date: 
Friday, May 11, 2018

Earlier this week in the Arizona desert, the shareholders of a major American gun company took a modest step toward responsibly addressing the unacceptable levels of gun-related deaths and crime in our nation. Shareholders of Sturm, Ruger & Co. passed a resolution requiring the company to issue a report on its actions to mitigate harm associated with its products.

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NYCHA residents to give council members tour of properties

Publication Date: 
Sunday, May 6, 2018

City housing residents will lead council members on an “inspection tour” of NYCHA properties to show them the “dangerous conditions” of their homes and hold a rally on the steps of City Hall, according to a network of citizens organizations.

News Media Category: 


NYCHA residents tired of being treated as ‘second-class citizens,’ demand money for repairs

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The New York City Housing Authority’s beleaguered state of affairs has once again led residents to take to City Hall to demand more money.

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Concejo Municipal contempla plan de rescate de viviendas de NYCHA

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, April 24, 2018

El Concejo Municipal sutuvo una audiencia sobre la administración de la Autoridad de Vivienda, la agencia al frente de la vivienda pública en la ciudad y cuya Presidenta renunció en medio del escándalo a principios de mes por la presencia de plomo, falta de calefacción y múltiples demandas de sus residentes.

News Media Category: 


NYCHA Settles Over Mold Repairs

Publication Date: 
Monday, April 9, 2018

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Groups Take NYCHA Back to Court Over Rampant Mold Problem

Publication Date: 
Friday, April 6, 2018

Ms. Awilda Garcia has been fighting NYCHA to fix the mold problem in her bathroom of the East Village’s Wald Houses for 11 years. She suffers from asthma, and her illness is exacerbated by it. She has consistently put in work order requests, and NYCHA has made 10 maintenance visits to her apartment so far. But instead of fixing the underlying moisture problem fueling the mold, each time they’ve taken superficial steps to merely mask it—cleaning the ceiling and painting over it. And, inevitably, it returns in short order

News Media Category: 


NYCHA promises fungus fix – again

Publication Date: 
Friday, April 6, 2018

The beleaguered New York City Housing Authority, which has been in court since 2013 over its handling of mold, has agreed — yet again — to clean up its act.

News Media Category: 


NYCHA agrees to appoint independent ombudsman to push repairs, impose fines

Publication Date: 
Friday, April 6, 2018

Four years after promising but failing to clean up festering mold in its apartments, NYCHA Friday agreed to the appointment of an independent ombudsman who can penalize the authority for future failures.

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Council Speaker Corey Johnson pushes $2B affordable housing plan for seniors

Publication Date: 
Monday, March 12, 2018

City Council Speaker Corey Johnson is proposing spending $2 billion to build 15,000 new affordable apartments for seniors on NYCHA land.

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When the Dollar Is Mightier Than the Gun

Publication Date: 
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Gun violence is not an abstract concept for Rabbi Joel Mosbacher. His father, Lester, was shot dead in 1999 as he opened up his check-cashing business on Chicago’s South Side. Rabbi Mosbacher, who had been ordained just six months earlier, struggled to make sense of the murder, even as well-meaning friends struggled to find words of comfort and support.

News Media Category: 


City behind schedule on building 2 diversion centers to serve as alternative to Rikers

Publication Date: 
Sunday, February 18, 2018

As Mayor de Blasio touts an ambitious criminal justice agenda to close Rikers Island, the city is far behind schedule on opening two diversion centers meant to be an alternative to arrest for people with mental health or substance abuse issues, the Daily News has learned.

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DAs hold key to closing Rikers, by steering people with mental health and substance disorders away from jail and into treatment

Publication Date: 
Thursday, December 21, 2017

It was a striking sight: Four of New York City’s five district attorneys gathered earlier this month at a forum sponsored by the Daily News, Greenburger Center and Metro-IAF to discuss their approaches to stemming the mass incarceration of people with mental illness and substance use disorders, in light of plans to shrink and eventually close jails on Rikers Island.


Knock, knock. Who’s there? Opportunity right under Mayor de Blasio’s nose, to unlock thousands of apartments for New York’s neediest in the middle of a housing crisis, on land the city already owns.

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The lead paint scandal at the city's public housing authority has already cost several high-level officials their job. But it turns out those same officials were involved with fighting another crisis at the agency: Mold. Critics now say those officials did not go far enough to make sure public housing residents were in clean and safe apartments. NY1 Political Reporter Courtney Gross has this special report.

News Media Category: 


A golden opportunity: Mining an overlooked housing bonanza

Publication Date: 
Sunday, December 10, 2017

Knock, knock. Who’s there? Opportunity right under Mayor de Blasio’s nose, to unlock thousands of apartments for New York’s neediest in the middle of a housing crisis, on land the city already owns.

News Media Category: 


Elites can’t keep writing off the adrift Americans who voted for Trump

Publication Date: 
Thursday, November 9, 2017

After the 2016 election, my view was that the voters had rejected not just Hillary Clinton, but also the modern Democratic Party – a party top-heavy with celebrity candidates and dominated by Wall Streeters, Silicon Valley stars and academic and professional elites.


De Blasio’s base bites back

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Drenched and determined, from a multitude of neighborhoods and faiths, they massed by the thousands Monday on the sidewalks outside City Hall — from East Brooklyn, from the South Bronx, from southeast Queens, from Manhattan up and down.

News Media Category: 


News Housing advocates rally at City Hall Park

Publication Date: 
Monday, October 9, 2017

A coalition of activists from various religious organizations braved the torrential rain outside City Hall on Monday and called on Mayor Bill de Blasio to build more affordable housing units for the city’s seniors and prioritize public housing repairs.

News Media Category: 


Thousands call for more affordable housing for seniors

Publication Date: 
Monday, October 9, 2017

Thousands of New Yorkers rallied in the rain outside City Hall Monday afternoon calling for more affordable housing for senior citizens. The protest was coordinated by Metro Industrial Areas Foundation, a coalition of city churches. Metro IAF says they suggested a plan to Mayor Bill de Blasio that would transform underutilized public housing areas into 15,000 affordable apartments for senior citizens - but the mayor would not consider the plan.

News Media Category: 


Thousands rally outside City Hall, demand more affordable housing

Publication Date: 
Monday, October 9, 2017

Thousands came together at City Hall on Monday, calling on Mayor Bill de Blasio to build more affordable housing and punish slumlords. More than 5,000 people demonstrated, many of whom said the mayor needs to fulfill a campaign promise from four years ago to increase access to safe affordable housing.

News Media Category: 


Protesta frente alcaldía en demanda de más vivienda asequible

Publication Date: 
Monday, October 9, 2017

Miles de personas protestan frente a la alcaldía para pedir a Bill de Blasio que construya casas asequibles y penalice a los arrendadores. Los manifestantes reclaman que de Blasio cumpla una de sus promesa de campaña, de hace cuatro años, de aumentar el acceso a viviendas seguras y asequibles.

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