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Barack Obama can save lives with push for 'smart guns'

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Among President Obama's actions this week on guns, the most far-reaching may be the brief memorandum he sent to the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security. These are the three largest gun-purchasing agencies in the U.S. government. Each has a substantial research budget. The President's memo directs them to research "smart guns" and other gun-safety technologies, and to purchase these technologies as appropriate.

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Bill breaks the mold at NYCHA

Publication Date: 
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Ho, hum, a judge imposed a special master on Mayor de Blasio in the hope of preventing one of his agencies from further damaging New Yorkers’ health. Ho, hum, the agency is the New York City Housing Authority, which the mayor had vowed to reform as a top priority.

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Judge blasts NYCHA, agrees to appoint special master to deal with toxic mold in aging apartments

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A federal judge — fed up with NYCHA’s inability to abate toxic mold in its aging apartments — has agreed to appoint a special master to enforce a two-year-old pact to fix the problem

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Bad Day for NYC Public-Housing Agency

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

MANHATTAN (CN) - Moments after a federal judge rapped the New York City Housing Authority on Tuesday for not cleaning up moldy apartments, the city's comptroller's found the agency unprepared for the Big Apple's next disaster. The mold finding comes from a class action that South Bronx community leader Maribel Baez brought two years on behalf of hundreds of thousands of public-housing residents fed up with agency foot-dragging.

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Sen. Chuck Schumer demands that U.S. Army's handgun supplier doesn’t sell arms to dealers doing business with criminals

Publication Date: 
Friday, October 23, 2015

He's hoping the bottom line will be mightier than the bullet. Sen. Chuck Schumer said Friday he wants the federal government to use its "massive purchasing power" to put the financial screws to gun manufacturers who deal with shady weapon sellers.

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Publication Date: 
Friday, October 23, 2015


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Renewed push for smart guns could trigger a new furor over the technology

Publication Date: 
Thursday, October 22, 2015

After vehement protests helped block the nation’s first smart gun from entering the marketplace, proponents of the technology are gearing up for another fight, intent on capitalizing on renewed interest in gun safety after a spate of high-profile shootings.

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View: We can do more on guns

Publication Date: 
Thursday, October 15, 2015

When President Obama lamented the sad state of affairs after the shooting rampage in Oregon, many wrung their hands with him. Yet there is something we can do and something the president can do – right now....

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Obama considers executive action on gun control: What steps could he take?

Publication Date: 
Saturday, October 10, 2015

After three school shootings in three weeks, the Obama administration is looking at executive orders that would toughen both the sale of and access to guns. Would it work?

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Mr. President, "Stop Whining" about Gun Violence

Publication Date: 
Friday, October 9, 2015

With the sun-drenched White House behind him, a prominent Baptist pastor spoke at a news conference that I attended in Lafayette Park yesterday. In a deep, no-nonsense voice, he delivered a stern message to President Obama: "Mr. President, we urge you to stop whining and begin acting."

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If We Can’t Ban Guns, Can We Make Them Safer?

Publication Date: 
Friday, October 9, 2015

Today, shots rang out at Northern Arizona University and Texas Southern University. Thus far, two students have been reported dead and four others wounded. This is the 282nd day of 2015, and the Northern Arizona shooting was the 299th mass shooting of the year in the United States.

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Obama weighs expanding background checks through executive authority

Publication Date: 
Thursday, October 8, 2015

In response to the latest mass shooting during his presidency, President Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress with his executive authority and imposing new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers.

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Obama Heads to Oregon Amid Frustration in Gun-Control Camp

Publication Date: 
Thursday, October 8, 2015

The day before President Barack Obama heads to Oregon to meet with families of victims in the community college mass shooting, a group of about 30 clergy and community organizers gathered outside the White House, calling on President Barack Obama to “stop whining” and use his position to achieve gun control without Congress.

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It’s time to hold America’s gunmakers accountable

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

It’s not just Congress that fails to respond after another massacre briefly focuses attention on the irrationality and permissiveness of our country’s firearms statutes. Those of us seeking change also regularly fall down on the job. We express outrage and move on, leaving the debate exactly where we found it.

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EXCLUSIVE: Roof repairs at Harlem NYCHA building made leaks worse, say tenants

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

When it rains, it pours — right through her ceiling. But the 70-year-old woman, who lives in the King Towers in Harlem, is prepared. The public housing resident has created an elaborate network of aluminum foil aqueducts, taped to the ceiling to channel the deluge into buckets placed strategically on the floor. The jury-rigged funnel system keeps the rainfall off her television, her stove and her 2-year-old son, Josito.

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Housing group opposes de Blasio's Vatican speech because of NYCHA mold problems

Publication Date: 
Monday, July 20, 2015

Housing advocates want the Vatican to freeze out Mayor de Blasio at a climate change conference in Rome Tuesday. They say Hizzoner’s invitation to deliver the keynote address should be pulled because of his environmental record at home. De Blasio is set to fly to Italy Monday night and give a speech, titled “Modern Slavery and Climate Change,” at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences Tuesday.

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Here’s a Way to Control Guns

Publication Date: 
Friday, July 17, 2015

NEARLY three years ago, in the days after the mass killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, President Obama went to Newtown, Conn., to speak at a vigil for the victims. He spoke movingly, and seemed to embody the nation’s outrage and its determination to reduce the number of people killed with guns in America. “Do not lose heart,” he told the families of the victims. He said he would use “whatever power this office holds.”

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Congregations Call on De Blasio to Shake Up NYCHA

Publication Date: 
Friday, July 10, 2015

Konrad Aderer joins Brownsville pastor Father Ed Mason and hundreds of city housing residents and faith leaders from Metro IAF as they take to the steps of City Hall to call on Mayor de Blasio to take charge of NYCHA, the dysfunctional New York City agency in charge of public housing.

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Tenants, advocates call for NYCHA's Shola Olatoye to quit

Publication Date: 
Friday, June 26, 2015

Frustrated tenants and advocates rallied outside City Hall Thursday, calling for NYCHA Chairwoman Shola Olatoye to step down.

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Coalition Says Housing Authority's Problems Worse Under de Blasio Administration

Publication Date: 
Friday, June 26, 2015

A coalition of churches and New York City Housing Authority residents is going public with its criticism of the mayor. The Metro Industrial Areas Foundation held a rally at City Hall, saying the Housing Authority's problems have gotten worse under the de Blasio administration. The foundation is calling for a shakeup.

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Mr. Mayor, step up & fix NYCHA: In dilapidated buildings, residents wait and wait for repairs

Publication Date: 
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Mayor de Blasio professes to care about public housing far more than his predecessor did. It is time for him to take ownership over the conditions that plague thousands upon thousands of souls trapped in NYCHA buildings — leaky roofs, moldy bathrooms, unsafe lobbies and filthy elevators. These problems are long-term, sometimes life-threatening, and in many cases getting worse under his watch.

News Media Category: 


Calls for NYCHA Head’s Ouster Say de Blasio is to Blame

Publication Date: 
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Angry residents and faith leaders joined forces Thursday to call for the resignation of Shola Olatoye, chairwoman of New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). On the steps of City Hall under a bright sun, hundreds of members of Metro Industrial Areas Foundation called for a "shake up" at NYCHA, demanding that Mayor de Blasio keep his promises to New York City’s most vulnerable population

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Need for major renovations keeps NYCHA units vacant for years: audit

Publication Date: 
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Almost 300,000 New Yorkers are on the waiting list for a spot inside a New York City Housing Authority Building yet hundreds of apartments remain vacant, some for more than 10 years. But NYCHA says vacancy rates are the lowest in a decade and that it can’t make the necessary repairs without the necessary funding.

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Tenants, churches want NYCHA boss to resign over lack of repairs

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A coalition of churches and public housing tenants frustrated by perceived inaction by NYCHA plans to call for the agency’s chairwoman to step down

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A chancellor’s challenge: In Daily News forums, Carmen Fariña displays experience and knowledge galore, but her plans may not be bold enough to answer parents' urgent need for better schools

Publication Date: 
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Jessica Franco Ramos of Bushwick has a daughter who’s excelling at a public charter school — and a younger brother struggling at a traditional district school. Derrick Calder, of the South Bronx, pulled his daughter Jodie out of a public school, IS 318, where fights filled the halls and bullying was rampant. In a Catholic school, she found refuge at a cost of $4,000 a year. Celia Velasquez, a Bronx grandmother, was thrilled to discover that her grandson aced the gifted and talented test — earning admission, at least in theory, to a local program that would challenge him. But District 7, the city’s lowest-performing district, has none. She sends the young boy to a school 40 minutes away.

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Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña takes questions from parents, educators at packed Bronx forum

Publication Date: 
Friday, May 29, 2015

From a mother's worries over failing schools to a teacher’s push for mental health services, the city schools boss opened her inbox to more than 500 concerned parents and educators at a packed town hall forum Thursday in the Bronx.

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Q&A with Carmen Fariña from the town hall forum on city schools

Publication Date: 
Friday, May 29, 2015

Carmen Fariña answered questions from parents and educators at a town hall forum Thursday night. Here are a few of the topics covered: Q: “Can we get more counselors to help troubled students in our schools?” — Leton Hall, Bronx, teacher at Mott Hall Science and Technology Academy

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Fariña: System overhaul will improve special-ed issues

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The coming school-system overhaul will improve special education services for students, Chancellor Carmen Fariña promised Monday night.

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Carmen Fariña answers tough questions about NYC schools at ‘Fight for Their Future’ forum

Publication Date: 
Monday, May 18, 2015

Parents, teachers and concerned education advocates packed the room Monday night at a “Fight for Their Future” forum attended by city Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña. About a half-dozen parents selected by the co-hosts, the Daily News and Metro IAF, a community group, questioned the boss of the nation’s largest school system about the real-life issues families face in the public schools.

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Parents, education workers express concerns about NYC schools at 'Fight for Their Future' forum

Publication Date: 
Monday, May 18, 2015

The mother of a 5-year-old boy with special needs, Patterson quit her job to devote herself to getting her child the best education possible. She started a business called “Decoding Special Needs” and carries binders of information with her to meetings with Education Department officials to discuss her son’s Individualized Education Program, or IEP. She complains veteran DOE decision makers for IEP fail to show up to meetings and that, when they do, they are often unaware of what services are available.

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