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De Blasio built a house of cards: How the city's affordable housing plan has failed to meet the challenge

One of the oldest techniques that people in power use when faced with a profound and unresolved challenge, or an outright defeat, is to declare victory and exit. Nixon did it at the end of Vietnam. George W. Bush did it in Iraq. And Mayor de Blasio — through his outgoing deputy mayor in charge of housing, Alicia Glen — did it last week in the midst of the ongoing homelessness and NYCHA debacles.

Bill's senior moment: De Blasio balks on a commitment made to elderly public housing residents

Back in the summer, under pressure from NYCHA tenant groups and members of the clergy, Mayor de Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson brokered a budget deal that included a crucial commitment: a half-billion dollars to build public housing for seniors on vacant city land.

What Bill thinks he said: De Blasio shrugs off a commitment to build thousands of units of senior housing

Mayor de Blasio committed $500 million to Metro-IAF’s plan for building new apartments for seniors, starting with six already identified NYCHA and Housing Preservation and Development sites where money could be spent and units put up quickly. Or at least that’s what the community group says.

De Blasio Slammed for Leaving Senior Housing Funds Out of Budge

A year after Mayor Bill de Blasio stood on the steps of City Hall and promised $500 million to build senior citizen housing on public lots, his administration this week quietly conceded the money was not put in his budget, THE CITY has learned.

Vivienda para adultos mayores, una promesa que de Blasio no debe romper

NUEVA YORK.- Cientos de inquilinos de los complejos de NYCHA, en el Sur de El Bronx marcharon este sábado desde la Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción a un lote vacío propiedad de NYCHA que está en la calle en 152 entre Courtland y Melrose, para instar al alcalde Bill de Blasio a cumplir su promesa de invertir $ 500 millones para construir viviendas asequibles para personas de la tercera edad.

Cientos de inquilinos le exigen a Bill de Blasio que cumpla con los 500 millones de dólares que prometió para NYCHA

Frente a la sede la Alcaldía, en el Bajo Manhattan, los manifestantes se dieron cita para unir sus voces y solicitar la construcción de más viviendas asequibles, tal y como lo prometió el mandatario local a miles de desamparados y personas de bajos recursos. Además, afirmaron que, si esto no se concreta, De Blasio debería renunciar.

The Bill comes due: One year later, seniors have had it with de Blasio for breaking a promise on housing; we echo their anger

Angry seniors today raise hell against a mayor who a year ago made them a promise to build $500 million in new affordable senior housing, then turned his back and flew to Iowa to sell his brand of progressivism on the national market.

Seniors Get Angry About Broken Promises for Affordable Housing in NYC

David K. Brawley, pastor of St. Paul Community Baptist Church in Brooklyn, did not mince words when he stepped up to the podium in front of 1,400 protestors on Wednesday. “The indictment has been given” he shouted. “It is now time to tell you what the charge is against this man … The charge is betrayal.” The crowd erupted into cheers. “Bill de Blasio,” Brawley continued, “you have betrayed the seniors of New York City. You ran on a platform to close the gap between the tale of two cities, and since you have been mayor it has only gotten exponentially worse.

New York’s Public Housing Isn’t Getting Better

Reports from a federal monitor and residents suggest the city needs a new approach to fixing a crisis for hundreds of thousands of residents.
