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Obama’s mortgage unit is AWOL

Three months ago, in his State of the Union speech, President Obama announced a new task force to investigate mortgage fraud and bring some measure of relief to the 12 million American families who are either losing their homes or in danger of losing them.

Home Is Where the Mold Is

Sarita Latchman, a vibrant 42-year-old mother and former parks worker, has a sound like a baby’s rattle at the back of her throat. Which is not surprising, as her apartment in the Jefferson Houses in East Harlem is speckled with soot-black mold. A thick carpet of it runs down her bathroom wall and across the ceiling of her children’s bedrooms. Rub it and the spores float, landing on sink tops and children’s hair. They also journey through Ms. Latchman’s nasal passageway into her lungs.

Bronx photo exhibit depicts poor living conditions for some in public housing

A girl in a pink-painted bedroom sits on a bunkbed wearing an airmask over her nose, clutching a machine to help her breathe.

Bloomberg continues to defend NYCHA chief John Rhea

Mayor Bloomberg on Friday admitted to blowing off a non-profit agency that charged the city’s Housing Authority was sitting on $1 billion and failing to take advantage of another $600,000. “It’s all ginned up by some group,” Bloomberg said on WOR-AM radio’s John Gambling show. “They wrote us a letter. And, yes, it’s true, they did not get a written response.”

NYCHA’S GRAY MONSTER: Residents live with mold that won’t die

A tale of rot and ruined health is all too familiar among residents of New York City Housing Authority buildings, where mold often grows unchecked and impatient renters grow irate.
