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Inquilinos testifican en Corte Federal sobre “condiciones inhumanas” en NYCHA

Digna Castillo, una inmigrante hondureña que lleva más de 25 años residiendo en un edificio de NYCHA en El Bronx, vive preocupada por el deterioro que, asegura, está consumiendo su apartamento. Ella ha reparado por su cuenta algunos de los desperfectos porque, según explica, oficiales de la Agencia de Vivienda Pública de la Ciudad no le contestan sus quejas.

NYCHA Residents Decry Living Conditions

Hundreds of New York City Housing Authority residents testified in federal court in Manhattan Wednesday, decrying the persistent problems inside their homes, from lead paint to moldy walls, and heat and water issues.

NYCHA residents describe living conditions at court hearing

NYCHA residents and advocates got a chance to have their voices heard during a hearing Wednesday on the horrendous living conditions at public housing complexes across the city.

Dozens of NYCHA tenants beg judge to help fix troubled agency as mom of murdered teen says it refuses to transfer her to new place

One by one they came forward in the high-ceiling courtroom, public housing tenants pleading with Manhattan Federal Judge William Pauley for help to finally fix the long-troubled agency known as NYCHA.

NYCHA Residents Testify In Court Hearing On Living Conditions

Hundreds of NYCHA residents packed into a Lower Manhattan courtroom Wednesday to testify during a hearing on the disastrous living conditions at public housing complexes across the city.

Something In The Air: Battling Mold in NYCHA

According to the New York City Department of Health, about 170,000 children in New York City suffer from asthma. While, many of these cases are affected by air quality, one family is dealing with pollutants inside their home.

AdTech Ad NYCHA tenants testify in federal court

As NYCHA’s ongoing saga continues, residents living in public housing continue their plea for the city to fix the numerous problems

1,000 new affordable units for NYCHA seniors on the way, Gov. Cuomo says

The state will finance 1,000 new affordable housing units for seniors on underutilized NYCHA property in Brooklyn, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Sunday.

Gov. Cuomo, Cynthia Nixon talk affordable housing ahead of Wednesday debate

BROOKLYN — Three days before they face off in a gubernatorial debate on Wednesday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and actress-turned-political-candidate Cynthia Nixon talked to potential voters about affordable housing.

NYCHA's senior moment: City and state combine for an affordable housing breakthrough

Chapter two of today’s edition of “Golly, look what New York City and State can do when they work together”: Gov. Cuomo just committed $15 million in scarce affordable housing tax credits to build apartments for senior citizens within New York City Housing Authority developments on the east end of Brooklyn.
