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News Housing advocates rally at City Hall Park

A coalition of activists from various religious organizations braved the torrential rain outside City Hall on Monday and called on Mayor Bill de Blasio to build more affordable housing units for the city’s seniors and prioritize public housing repairs.

NYC Crime Bronx Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Education Weather Obituaries Thousands slam Mayor de Blasio's affordable housing plan in City Hall rally

Thousands of senior citizens, NYCHA residents, teachers and church parishioners turned out in the pouring rain Monday to call out Mayor de Blasio for falling short on his pledge to make housing in the city affordable to New Yorkers.

Build bigger, Bill and create housing for New Yorkers

Mayor de Blasio set up towering expectations that his vision to build or preserve 200,000 affordable apartments would end the “tale of two cities” he condemned on his first campaign trail.

5,000 demonstrators expected to blast Mayor de Blasio’s affordable housing plan in City Hall rally

Four years after Mayor de Blasio was elected on promises of making the city more affordable, 5,000 people are expected to descend on City Hall and say he hasn't done nearly enough.

Holding de Blasio to his affordable housing promise

Four years ago, New Yorkers elected Bill de Blasio mayor after he told a two-cities tale about too many of us being priced out of our homes and hometown. One term in, rents are still rising even as he's on pace to fulfill his hugely ambitious promise to save or create 200,000 affordable units over 10 years. As de Blasio glides to reelection — talking about being open to new ideas, but not yet walking that walk — New Yorkers are still being priced out, and ever further out. Bed Stuy, Bushwick, Brownsville.

Interfaith outrage on housing and special ed

The New York City Housing Authority and Department of Education came under sharp criticism Sunday at a Manhattan Together assembly held at Our Lady of Sorrows Roman Catholic Church attended by around 500 people. Seated in the audience at the church, at 103 Pitt St., were representatives of various community organizations, churches, synagogues and mosques, and a large turnout of public housing residents, parents and immigrants. The keynote speaker at the afternoon session was City Comptroller Scott Stringer.

NYCHA launches Mold Busters team to combat moisture and growth in its developments

If there’s something strange in your NYCHA home, who you gonna call? Obviously, Mold Busters! The New York City Housing Authority will announce on Monday the launch of a pilot program to abate pervasive mold from its aging buildings. Under the program — dubbed Mold Busters — workers will be equipped with special meters to monitor moisture in apartments and accurately target the cause of the mold.

News Hundreds join together to end violence in Melrose

Hundreds of South Bronx church members marched to end violence in Melrose on Sunday. Participants who marched in the Feast of the Mother of Perpetual Help say they are not happy with safety and housing conditions in Melrose and are demanding change.

Bad Day for NYC Public-Housing Agency

MANHATTAN (CN) - Moments after a federal judge rapped the New York City Housing Authority on Tuesday for not cleaning up moldy apartments, the city's comptroller's found the agency unprepared for the Big Apple's next disaster. The mold finding comes from a class action that South Bronx community leader Maribel Baez brought two years on behalf of hundreds of thousands of public-housing residents fed up with agency foot-dragging.

Judge blasts NYCHA, agrees to appoint special master to deal with toxic mold in aging apartments

A federal judge — fed up with NYCHA’s inability to abate toxic mold in its aging apartments — has agreed to appoint a special master to enforce a two-year-old pact to fix the problem
